“It’s not by might nor by power but
By my Spirit says the Lord…”


The Modern, Magnificent CHRIST CASTLE Edifice
Began with 8 Members in Wooden ‘Hut’, now 9000-plus on roll
Government-assisted Full Seven-year High School
Institute of Ministry & Tertiary Education
Early Childhood Education Centre
Skills Training Centre (Adult Education.)
Church-State Partnership Projects
Social and Community Services: Professional Counselling, Rehab. Programmes, Motivational Initiatives
Television & Radio Recording Studios, Pastor-authored Books
Extensive Media Ministry, Missions Outreach
Featured on TBN, BBC, CBC & Charisma Magazine
Bookstore, Library, CDs, DVDs, Song-writing, Music Production, Consumer Co-operative
Business Investments, International Ministry Networks
International Music Ministry: Pastors’ Family - Sherrose, Candel, Winsie-Ann, Victrina - Sony Studio NY, Hollywood, Madison Sq. Garden, Times Square, Canada, Caribbean etc
The multi-faceted Miracle Ministries organization include: